Hello, this is Loaf! As of starting this space, I am 27 and heading into my second year of graduate school. I'm an artist (sometimes), love exploring all sorts of music, and am also rediscovering my love of video games! I won't provide much information other than that,but I hope to eventually implement a comment function or something along those lines... Generally, I don't have a lot of free time, but I thought it would be nice to have a space to myself to upkeep every so often and work towards improving.

That's all about me! For now!


This is a space which I began on 8/15/2024. I'm still figuring out why I decided to do this, but I've been feeling pretty in-between and felt as though it would be refreshing to have a place to put my thoughts down and be able to (hopefully?!) look back on them. There may be some TWs here and there. I'll try my best to tag things appropriately.

Lorem ipsum... blah blah blah. I hope to build out more of this independently (and refresh myself on html stuff tbh), rather than rely on templates... but for now! Enjoy.
